Saturday, February 21, 2009

An Interview with A Mr. Muthalik

Hello Readers! This is your host Mr. Interviewer. A very warm welcome to all of you!

I hope you celebrated the spirit of freedom and strength on our Republic Day. Sixty years have passed since we got independence. We all enjoy it for ourselves, but have we started respecting freedom of others.

Don’t give a second thought to your answers as I known it is same for all you. But, I hope the discussion with today's guest will question integrity of your answers. So lets welcome today’s guest, a Mr. Pramod Muthalik. 

The Mr. Muthalik is head of a Sri Ram Sene. Both the Mr. Muthalik and his party came into limelight (or existence) by a Mangalore pub attack. (Silently) (There are quite many analogies to describe this outburst, one being pain caused by a tooth worm. We change toothbrushes every once in a while, we regularly switch to better toothpastes, we frequently consult the best dentist in the area, but the worms always caught us unawares. It reminds us that it is still there, developing slowly and steadily until it gets ready for the onslaught)

Oh! Sorry for the pause. Let me quickly introduce our regular guest, Common Man. Please give a quick round of applause for both the guests (I know you don’t want to).

Mr. Interviewer: Welcome the Mr. Muthalik on this blog. We already have your audacity precede your presence for these readers, but i request you to please tell us about the motivation behind the attack once again.

The Mr. Muthalik: Audacity, yes I become fearless and outspoken when I talk on matters for national interest. Basically our nation is built on very strong foundations laid by the likes of Shri Rama and Shri Krishna. These foundations have been the key to our survival during the most adverse times the world has ever seen, making us one of the oldest living civilizations in the world. And not just the survival, they have been the driving force for our prosperity in spirituality, culture and materialistic wealth.

To reap fruits of these foundations however, our nation has to fulfill certain responsibilities and responsibility to follow moral code of conducts is one of them. And in this regard, the past few centuries have been very detrimental. First it was Muslim invasion and then it was the British rule that influenced our characters to such an extent that we lost respect for these responsibilities and in a way for these foundations. Specially, the British rule which introduced the Western culture to our country, the culture which resides in every house of our cities and which with every new city becoming more and more visible in our country, the culture which brings with it practices that breach the code of conducts laid down by our foundations. Women going to pubs and hanging out with boys are examples of these practices.

Now, as a true Indian, we have realized that if we don’t protect our foundations, our country will lose the cultural edge we have over other countries of this world. And if lose this edge, our country will become vulnerable to adversaries of time. Just to tell you how serious that can be, take the example of Islamic terrorism which is threatening freedom and harmony of our country for last two decades. The sheer gall with which the Mumbai attacks were conducted has shown that no class is immune from the threats and the brutality with which innocent lives were taken proved out to be last straw for me. That’s why I came up with the Sri Ram Sene, a force to tackle not only Islamic terrorism, but also influence of western culture in our country.

Mr. Interviewer: It is good to know that there are still some persons who think about the country and its culture. So if I got you right, the motives of the Sri Ram Sene are to stop western influence from hampering our cultural foundations and to fight against Islamic terrorism. Am I right about your motives? 

The Mr. Muthalik: Yes

Mr. Interviewer: So Common Man, tell me what do you think about the agenda of the Sri Ram Sene.

Common Man: Huh! Let me get to the motives in the agenda one by one.

Firstly on discussion about western influence on our foundations, the thoughts that come to my mind are how to define Hinduism and our culture. Well what I know about Hinduism is that it didn’t start as a religion. It started as an idea, an idea of freedom, prosperity and peace. It was this very idea that laid down foundations of our culture, the culture that not only sustained adverse times, but flourished with every new rising of the Sun. And what made this culture so strong was its ability to inculcate ideas from contemporary cultures. Now, with this premise of our culture, I think that it is in very foundation of our culture to adopt practices from other cultures. So, the first agenda of the Sri Ram Sene can never be materialized.

The Mr. Muthalik: What are you saying! You mean to say that going to pubs and hanging out with boys is a good practice for women and it is a positive influence on our culture.

Common Man: Oh! You got me wrong. Let me explain it. I said that it’s in our culture to adopt ideas and good practices from other cultures. The ideas contribute to strength of our cultural foundations, while the adopted practices make our culture more diverse. I agree with good practices come unsocial able practices, but let me tell you its again in our foundations to stop these weeds from growing. If you follow the abolition of practices like ‘Sati Pratha’ and ‘Bal Vivah’, you will understand what I mean.

The Mr. Muthalik(interrupting): Hey you got it, the unsocial able practices. They have to be stopped flourishing in our country and this is what we are doing, because these weeds aren’t removed automatically as you said, but it comes from people like us only. So, I urge all of you to stand with us in obliteration of these practices from our country.

Common Man: He he he (silent). You again got me wrong, the weeds that I am referring to are the ideas, ideas that have roots in people like you…

The Mr. Muthalik(interrupting): What the…

Common Man(continuing): ideas that differentiate between genders, ideas that prohibit only one gender from enjoying their freedom.

The Mr. Muthalik(interrupting): It’s not about genders

Common Man: I know gender bias is a small part of the problem, the bigger problem is anti-progressive thinking, thinking that despises and tries to resist change. I know why the Mangalore pub attacks have become more frequent, because our country is developing and change is coming loud and fast.

The Mr. Muthalik: Enough! you are taking the discussion in wrong direction. I have been listening to your crap, but not anymore…

Common Man(interrupting): If anti-progressive thinking is not the problem then tell me the reason why you oppose friendship of a boy and a girl, and their hanging out together as nothing of this sort is written in any of the shastra(s) and purana(s).

I believe in god and I do have my daughter, sister and friend who enjoy this freedom. They go to work and go to party. And as long as they tell me truth, work out their responsibilities, and follow the law I am happy. If I don’t find anything objectionable about their behavior, I don’t care what others, specially narrow minded people have to say.

The Mr. Muthalik: It’s not just a family matter. If something objectionable happens openly in the society, it deteriorates overall character of the society as well. And whatever you say, we will oppose such behaviors and wrong practices.

Common Man: I have tried reasoning with you, but it doesn’t work so I listen to this advice. I believe in India and her culture, and I believe it definitely will obliterate the ideas we talked about, so better leave these ideas or your fall will become an archetype of fall of a wall that resists a sea of change and who knows people may start celebrating your demise as an annual festival.

Mr. Interviewer: I am very sorry my guests, but I have to put a stop to this discussion as my readers (Including myself) would start feeling sleepy if we go any further. So, thank you for sparing your precious time for appearing on this blog and I hope the Mr. Muthalik the next time I host you on this show, you will come as Mr. Pramod Muthalik.

Readers, I hope you listened to the agenda of the Mr. Muthalik and elicited views of mostly phlegmatic Common Man on the agenda. I hope this discussion have given you some food for thoughts. Yes or no, we thank you for being with us on this interview and are looking forward to have you on our future blogs. Till then Chak De!

Curtains Fall

Curtain Raised

Mr. Interviewer: Hey! I just came back to explain you some of the things about this blog as today’s post is the first one.

To start with, Mr. Muthalik and Sri Ram Sene represent people and organizations like RSS, VHP, Shiv Sena, MNS, Bajrang Dal, and Raj Thackeray. People and organizations that have been established on parochial and anti-progressive ideas, and who time and again attack on harmony of our nation. Mangalore pub attacks represent such attacks.

Common Man. Everyone knows him/her. These people and organizations claim to work for Common Man, but in actuality Common Man becomes the most persecuted one, and believe it or not Common Man himself established these people and organizations into power.

Forget about it as you have always done and thank you for your precious time. I will soon come back with a new interview. Till then Chak De!